Case code
A100/2017 (no. 2 of 2)
Date of decision
Decision reviewed
Dismissal - criminal finding
Decision subject
Use of force
PRSB order
Decision set aside and substituted

Application to review DISMISSAL –– s.146(1)(m) of the Victoria Police Act 2013 –– Decision to dismiss made under s.136(1)(f) following criminal charge of common assault (s.23 of the Summary Offences Act 1966) being found proven –– ORDER under s.152(3) –– effect of order to ‘set aside’ decision to dismiss –– public interest considerations (community confidence in Victoria Police, particularly of young people, workforce confidence in discipline process, deterrence) –– in the circumstances order should have a remedial focus –– order decision to dismiss be set aside, and in substitution 2 years ineligibility for promotion or transfer.

Police Registration and Services Board
Police Registration and Services Board
Date of Publication

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