Case code
Date of decision
Decision reviewed
Transfer – directed or compulsory
Decision subject
Operational needs
PRSB order
Decision affirmed


Application to review directed TRANSFER –– s.146(1)(h) of the Victoria Police Act 2013 –– Decision to transfer made under section 35 (“reasonably necessary to do so for the provision of policing services”) following the General Duties Allocation Committee process (GDAC) –– public interest in ensuring policing services are provided across the State ––GDAC process is fair and transparent –– relevant that Applicant had not sought a Priority Position ––  desirable to apply a fair and consistent approach to assessing grounds of hardship or special circumstances which ensures policing services are provided to all communities –– Applicant has not established hardship or impracticability –– Board concludes transfer was not harsh, unjust or unreasonable and affirms decision to transfer.


Police Registration and Services Board
Police Registration and Services Board
Date of Publication

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