Talking ethics does not come naturally in our organisational life. Yet, safe, interesting, and normal ethics conversations when things are fine, and not in response to a scandal, help us develop ethical skill to deal with the ethical questions we all face.
The annual independence exam at the centre of the long-running and widespread cheating at KPMG operated as an open-book test where searching the internet for answers was allowed.
Too often, ethics training can be boring and ineffective. Storytelling can help—not just by keeping your participants awake, but also by helping them remember and act on what you teach.
Unconscious bias training has spread as an antidote to inequality and discrimination. But is it effective?
How can we use the big six ideas from Daniel Kahneman's Thinking Fast and Slow, to improve our thinking and training?
An entertaining presentation by Dan Ariely on moral motivation and behaviour, distance, language, rationalisations etc.
Recent events of police misconduct in America sparked a nationwide debate on the effectiveness of police ethics training. In this article asks: do basic police academies prepare future police officers to be the ethical decisions makers we expect them to be?
Moral awareness is the ability to detect and appreciate the ethical aspects of a decision that one must make.
Ethical leadership prof Jonathan Haidt developed the metaphor of the elephant and the rider to describe our mind's two parts that sometimes conflict: a small rider sitting on the back of a very large elephant.
Interesting research finds that having moral symbols, such as ethical quotes, ethical principles or ethical words around can dissuade superiors from both engaging in unethical behaviours themselves or asking their subordinates to engage in unethical behaviour.