Interesting research finds that having moral symbols, such as ethical quotes, ethical principles or ethical words around can dissuade superiors from both engaging in unethical behaviours themselves or asking their subordinates to engage in unethical behaviour. The display of moral symbols leads to two main consequences:

  •  it activates moral thinking and increases moral awareness to decrease unethical behaviour, and
  •  it elicits inferences about the high moral character of the displayer to lower the likelihood of that person being subjected to unethical directives.

The research also demonstrates that moral symbols influence ethical decisions without provoking hidden backlash effects against those who display them.

People with less power and authority can influence their leader’s behaviour and reduce the occurrence of unethical acts in the workplace with the use of moral symbols. Better than garlic!

You can access the article at: (PDF) Moral Symbols: A Necklace of Garlic against Unethical Requests ( (External link)